Saturday, March 31, 2012

Belgian Farm Tour

Mar. 1 2012

Here is a guest writer Megan Coke:

I told our tour guide that I was a beef farmer and I would like to see some cattle. It was very random because the tour guide didn't know anything about farming but he was like oh yeah I know a farmer. So he called someone and arranged for us to visit a Belgian Blue and dairy farm. The farm looked very similar to the farms I saw in Ireland with a very compact farm yard and all metal and steel barns and cement bunker silos. This farm milked 40 fresien dairy cows in a tie stall that looked similar to dairy farms in Canada. But the Belgian Blue cows were a different world.

The farm calves 200 pure bred Belgian Blue cows a year and finished all the bulls and kept all the heifers for replacement. These animals were unbelievable, absolutely huge. All the mature bulls were in individual small pens, and there was one especially large one that definitely looked like he would rather kill you then look at you. The farmer told us that in the fall, summer and spring when the cattle are outdoors they can only go in the field where he is with a tractor. The females are all kept for replacements and kept for 4 lactation. Every birth is a cesarean that cost 80-120 euro.  I told the farmer that we very rarely have to to cesareans and we kept the cows for 10 years.....he replied with "that sounds very boring" lol. The cows also do not produce enough milk to feed a calf in there first lactation so all the calves from first calf heifers are bottled feed. After the cows have 4 calves they are sent for meat. The cows that are feeding a calf are kept in a tie stall, while the ones with no calves are in group pens. The calves are weaned at 4 months. He told us he is producing high quality meat with very good flavour  so he gets paid a premium. 70-80% of the cattle in Belgium are the Belgian Blue breed. Getting all this information was a bit of struggle due to the language barrier and our tour guide had a bit of trouble translated some "technical" terms like heifer. It was certainly a very interesting experience and definitely something you have to see to believe.

Seriously large Bull

He looked so mean!

Megan loves COWS!


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